Living on the Wedge

I’m one lucky gal. My husband notices when a certain item in a store makes me sigh or squeal or obsess. Such was my reaction when I spotted the red wedge canvas TOMS last fall, and such was my reaction when I received them as a birthday gift last weekend.

I’ve been traipsing around the house trying to break them in and to make them feel truly “mine.” However, despite the newness, I think these shoes have always been “me.” At the risk of sounding really self-absorbed, let me explain…

My new red wedge TOMS

Wedge heel –> Just as I choose not to wobble around in stilettos, I tend to live life on the more grounded side–“living on the wedge,” so to speak. Thus my appreciation for the solid foundation and stability of my new shoes.

Canvas –> To me, canvas represents a frugal and almost rugged practicality. That’s me to a tee. For instance, we still own a stove with those creepy wood-grain accents, but dang if it doesn’t make the most fabulous chocolate-chip cookies to this day!

Open toe –> These shoes aren’t strappy, but they still boast some feminine flair. You could say they’re reserved, with a hint of vulnerability, and I for one can relate to that. Despite being a classic introvert, I’m pretty comfortable letting others peep into my soul. (Oh brother–this is getting way too corny, I know.)

Red –> Not long after graduating from college, one of my first bosses told me I had “bulldog-like tenacity.” I’d like to think that’s a good thing, like being passionate and red with fire. So, fine by me. I’ll claim red any day over blue (sad) or green (envious) or yellow (cowardly)…

TOMS –> This company tugs on my heartstrings. They donate a pair of shoes with each pair purchased–“One for One,” as their motto says. And I can buy into that (literally). The older I get, the warmer I feel toward those who devote their lives to giving.

Remember, “obsess” was among my admissions above. Here ends my ode to my red wedge TOMS–my red wedge Romeos, if you will.

WRITING PROMPT 1: Write about how a pair of your shoes represents your personality.

WRITING PROMPT 2: Begin a story with “If I was in his/her shoes…”

WRITING PROMPT 3: Play around with symbolism. Pick a word–bird, tulip, matchstick, string, black, etc.–and write about what it symbolizes to you.

4 thoughts on “Living on the Wedge

  1. Joe Pineda says:

    Haha. You know, I mostly always walk with some kind of a strut, but it gets more pronounced when I wear my white shoes. It’s probably my brain reminding me folks will look at my feet more.


  2. Emily Perron Sandager says:

    Barb–I’m becoming addicted to your blog! I really appreciate that you include writing prompts with every post.



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